Blog Archive
19 Jun 2013
How to Build a Waterfall Pond
By Derrick Smith On 19 June 2013 In Blog
Artificially constructed waterfall ponds enhance the outlook of your residence and give it an exotic touch. These waterfall ponds give your surrounding a more natural look and are fast becoming popular landscape features. Choosing a location The
19 Jun 2013
Questions to Ask Home Builders
When choosing a home builder, always go for the company that has been recommended to you by your local home builders’ association. You can also search for prospective home builders online, using the Canadian Home Builders’ Association’s
19 Jun 2013
Modern Home Interior Design Ideas
By Keira Rowland On 19 June 2013 In Blog
Modern, contemporary interior design is characterized by elegance, spaciousness, and minimalism. Displaying an appreciation for sleek designs and accessories, and a desire to forego motifs and their excessive use, modern interior design is striking without being over-powering
19 Jun 2013
Home Decor Trends for 2013
By Keira Rowland On 19 June 2013 In Blog
Much like the trends on the runway, home decor trends change from year to year. When it comes to designing the interior of your, the home purchasing process starts to look like it was an easy task.
19 Jun 2013
Getting Security Deposit Back from Landlord
Security deposit is the refundable monetary deposit given to the landlord by a tenant to ensure the cost of repair for all the damages that have been explicitly specified in the lease agreement. When the lease ends
19 Jun 2013
Security Deposit Rental Agreement
By Keira Rowland On 19 June 2013 In Blog
A security deposit is an important matter when it comes to the relationship between a landlord and tenant, as an alarming number of disputes arise over the security deposit. Simply put, the security deposit is money or
19 Jun 2013
Refinance Mortgage with Bad Credit
By Derrick Smith On 19 June 2013 In Blog
The first and the most important thing to remember when refinancing, is to save enough money for the closing costs and all other fees. When you refinance a mortgage with bad credit, it actually becomes a second
19 Jun 2013
How Can I Buy a House without a Deposit
By Keira Rowland On 19 June 2013 In Blog
Buying a house without having to put in any down payment sounds too good to be true, and the unfortunate truth is that it is. No money down mortgages, also known as zero down mortgages, are now
19 Jun 2013
Reasons to Move Out of Home
By Keira Rowland On 19 June 2013 In Blog
Moving from one home to another is not an uncommon practice, and an average Canadian family moves 4.5 to 5.5 times in their lifetime, spending roughly $150,000 on moving costs. However, the costs and expenses do not
19 Jun 2013
Investing in Commercial Real Estate
Investing in Real Estate is a profitable business in Canada, but having the right perspective and a lot of patience are the key traits of a commercial real estate investor. Usually people start out investing in single
19 Jun 2013
How to Start a Mortgage Company
Starting up a mortgage company in Canada might seem to be an intimidating task, but following the steps listed below, you can easily establish your own mortgage company, without any legal issues. Acquire a mortgage license The
19 Jun 2013
When to Refinance your Mortgage
By Keira Rowland On 19 June 2013 In Blog
Refinancing a mortgage refers to the process of paying off an existing mortgage loan by taking a new home loan. The main advantage of refinancing a mortgage is that it helps save money, but this isn’t always the case.
19 Jun 2013
Preparing a Foundation for a House
If you are planning to start a construction project, be very careful when setting up the foundation. Success of any construction project, be it a single story residential unit or a multistory commercial building, relies heavily on
19 Jun 2013
How to Design Front Elevation of House
By Derrick Smith On 19 June 2013 In Blog
Home elevation is perhaps the most important aspect of your house as it has a direct impact on the rest of the design. If the elevation is not impressive, rest assured it will overshadow the rest of
19 Jun 2013
How to Build a Commercial Building
By Keira Rowland On 19 June 2013 In Blog
Developing and building on commercial property is very different from building a house on a residential plot. It can take months and even years to build a commercial building, and the time duration depends entirely on the
19 Jun 2013
How to Design House Shutters
By Keira Rowland On 19 June 2013 In Blog
Designed to add to the curb appeal of a house, and enhance the look of the exterior by adding a pop of color to the windows, shutters serve multiple purposes. In addition to aesthetic appeal, they can
19 Jun 2013
Painting the Exterior of a House
A fresh coat of paint on the exterior walls is the easiest and cheapest way to add a new look to your existing home. Besides giving your home a makeover, the thin layer of resin and pigment
19 Jun 2013
Home Construction Site Preparation
By Daniel Lewis On 19 June 2013 In Blog
If you have purchased land in order to construct your own home according to your preferences, you will have to prepare the site before you can begin the project. Undeveloped land can have several issues that need
19 Jun 2013
Creating your Own House Plans
By Derrick Smith On 19 June 2013 In Blog
Owning a house is everyone’s dream, and what better way to make your dream come true by actually creating your own house plans instead of hiring someone else to do it for you? When it comes to
18 Jun 2013
How to Design House Entrance
Setting aside and managing your budget for home decoration is always a tricky task. The lion’s share of the decorating budget usually goes to interior improvements, such as upgrading furniture, changing curtains and buying antique decoration pieces,