Blog Archive
12 Jun 2013
How Does Rent to Own Work When Buying a House
By Keira Rowland On 12 June 2013 In Blog
Rent to own is steadily growing to be a popular option in a market that is overflowing with houses that have been put up for sale. Basically, rent-to-own is a contract to buy, but the difference between
12 Jun 2013
How to Avoid Rental Property Scams
By Keira Rowland On 12 June 2013 In Blog
Those looking to rent property in their city, or out of their county, state, or country, frequently find themselves the target of rental property scams. These typically occur when scammers advertize a property they wish to rent
12 Jun 2013
How to Manage Bills With a Roommate
By Keira Rowland On 12 June 2013 In Blog
Among the many challenging aspects of living with a roommate is the management of bills. Whether you live with a family member, friend, a partner, or a complete stranger, managing bills when living jointly can be a
12 Jun 2013
Can i get a Mortgage after Bankruptcy
By Keira Rowland On 12 June 2013 In Blog
Previously, bankruptcy was a near death sentences as far as credit history was concerned, and haunted a person for a good 7 to 10 years. Nowadays, however, while it is still unfortunate, it can also be viewed
12 Jun 2013
Buying a Home After Bankruptcy
By Keira Rowland On 12 June 2013 In Blog
Many people believe that it is next to impossible to buy a home after bankruptcy, but nothing could be further from the truth. Mortgage lenders require you to wait out a period of 2 years after bankruptcy,
12 Jun 2013
Dealing with Bad Neighbors
By Keira Rowland On 12 June 2013 In Blog
Messy neighbors can be a pain, whether you happen to be living next door to them, or are a realtor who is looking to sell a property that happens to be located next to an unkempt house.
12 Jun 2013
How to Negotiate a Lower Rent with your Landlord
By Keira Rowland On 12 June 2013 In Blog
While most landlords are very particular about the rent they charge, you can follow a few tips to negotiate a lower rent. Having to pay a lower rent has obvious advantages, and you can use the savings
12 Jun 2013
How to Lease Purchase a Home
By Daniel Lewis On 12 June 2013 In Blog
Lease purchase is a renting agreement which includes the option to buy the lease property later on. Such an agreement is useful if you want a specific house but your finances are not in order. Signing a
12 Jun 2013
Landlord Reference Letter for Tenant Template
By Daniel Lewis On 12 June 2013 In Blog
If your existing tenant is looking to move and rent a new house or condo, he/she may require you to write a reference letter, which will be presented to prospective landlords as proof of prior tenancy. The
12 Jun 2013
Roommate Agreement Contract Template
By Daniel Lewis On 12 June 2013 In Blog
Sharing your living space with a roommate can have several social and financial advantages. However, conflicts can arise, and it is recommended that you draft a roommate agreement in advance to make sure everyone agrees on certain
12 Jun 2013
House Rental Agreement Template
By Daniel Lewis On 12 June 2013 In Blog
This house rental agreement is being entered into by (name of tenant) and (name of landlord) on this (date) day of (month and year). Property: The property referred to in this agreement is a house, located on
12 Jun 2013
Ways to Secure your Home from Burglars
By Daniel Lewis On 12 June 2013 In Blog
If you travel a lot or have to stay away from home for extended periods of time, you might want to take some steps to ensure your home stays safe and just the way you like it
12 Jun 2013
Should I Sell or Rent my House
By Daniel Lewis On 12 June 2013 In Blog
If you own a property and want to sell it in order to move to a better location, but are finding it hard to find a buyer, renting the property instead might seem like the most logical
12 Jun 2013
New Home Buying Process
By Daniel Lewis On 12 June 2013 In Blog
Stepping into the real estate market to buy a home for yourself can appear to be a challenging task. However, if you break the whole process down into small steps, you will find it easy to understand.
12 Jun 2013
Building an Eco Friendly House
By Daniel Lewis On 12 June 2013 In Blog
Setting out to ‘green your home’ can be a daunting task, requiring research, time and considerable resources. While most governments offer rebates and incentives, home owners generally hesitate from taking up a greening project. Nevertheless, there are
12 Jun 2013
Landscape Ideas for Small Gardens
By Daniel Lewis On 12 June 2013 In Blog
While the location of your house and its build will be the major determinants when it comes to selling it, the way it looks on the outside will have a major impact on any potential buyers. When
12 Jun 2013
Make your House Smell Good
By Daniel Lewis On 12 June 2013 In Blog
Believe it or not, the way your home smells can make all the difference between a great sale and having potential buyers turn away in disgust. The sense of smell is directly linked to the brain, so
12 Jun 2013
Tips on Packing for a Move
By Daniel Lewis On 12 June 2013 In Blog
For most people, moving to a new house is high on their list of most stressful events, and the entire process can be quite nerve-wracking. However, it doesn’t necessarily have to be that way, and nothing more
12 Jun 2013
How to Find a Good Home Inspector
By Daniel Lewis On 12 June 2013 In Blog
Home inspectors are hired for the purpose of catching flaws and problems in a house which an ordinary person normally wouldn’t be able to spot. Hiring a home inspector is highly recommended – you get to know
11 Jun 2013
Home Emergency Preparedness Plan
By Daniel Lewis On 11 June 2013 In Blog
News of emergencies and natural disasters strikes fear into the hearts of many, and while incidents like the earthquakes in Japan and the floods in Manitoba and Quebec fill the hearts of citizens with fear and sympathy