Tips on Packing for a Move

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For most people, moving to a new house is high on their list of most stressful events, and the entire process can be quite nerve-wracking. However, it doesn’t necessarily have to be that way, and nothing more than organization and preplanning are required in order to pull off a move successfully.

Weeks before the move

  • Go through all your belongings, and separate the things you intend to keep from all the junk you have accumulated over time. Draw up an inventory of all the things you will be keeping, and then look for a way to get rid of the junk. If it is all in good shape, you might consider donating it to a charity, or you can organize a quick yard sale to dispose of all the things you do not need. Items like old books and magazines can also be picked out of the junk, and taken to a recycling centre.
  • Decide whether you will be executing the move yourself, or whether you will be hiring a professional removal company for the job. Hiring a professional company is recommended, as they will know how to get the job done efficiently – look for recommendations, and browse through a number of options until settle on one company. If you plan on moving yourself, make sure you get organized, and enlist the help of a few friends and family members.
  • If you plan to move yourself, start collecting the necessary items. Gather sturdy boxes in which you will be packing all your belongings – get these for free from companies that get a lot of shipments, or buy them from companies like UPS or U-Haul. As you pack, maintain an inventory of all items and boxes, and make sure you ensure all your valuables with the insurance company before the move.
  • In addition to gathering supplies, you will also need to start making the necessary arrangements in order to prepare for the move.  Get in touch with service providers, arrange for disconnections at your present residence, and connections at the house you will be moving into.

The day before the move

  • Ensure that all the boxes have been labelled or colour-coded according to which room they need to be put in at the new house – this will make the unpacking process extremely easy.
  • Label all the boxes containing delicate items as “fragile”, to ensure that they are handled with care.
  • Electronic items and appliances need to be cooled to room temperature before they can be packed, so unplug all the appliances you will not be needed on the day of the move, allow them to cool, and then pack them, making sure you wind up the cords neatly to prevent damage.

On moving day

  • Stay in the old home and oversee the movers. Make sure you do not leave until the last box has been loaded onto the moving truck/van. As each box is carried away, tick it off your inventory, so you stay organized and keep track of everything.
  • Walk through the old house for one final time, in order to ensure that nothing has been left behind. Turn off all the utilities, and make sure all the doors and windows are closed. You should also consider noting down the final utility meter readings – these can then be compared with your bills.
  • Make sure you provide the movers the correct directions to the new house, and furnish them with your cell phone number, so they can call you if they need to. If there are any special parking instructions, don’t forget to give these to the movers too.
  • It is recommended that you have a floor plan in the new house, so the movers can easily move around. As they unload, keep a close check on everything (use your inventory again), and keep an eye out for any damaged items when unpacking your boxes.
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