Side Yard Landscaping Ideas

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A side yard is the uncovered, unused area on either side of a house. Many people find it difficult to find a landscape plan for that little stretch of land. If your new home also has a side yard and you don’t know how to utilize it to add visual appeal to your home’s exterior, then we have a few tips which you can use to turn your side yard into a beautiful and practical space.

Link your front and back yards

If you have beautifully landscaped front and back yard, use the side yard to link them. Convert the side yard into an attractive garden by matching not only the style but also using some of the same plants on the side that you have planted in the front lawn and backyard.

Decorate with containers

If space is at a premium, consider adding a wealth of colors with containers. You can also attach the containers to the walls to further enhance the look of the area.

Pave the floor

You can also consider paving the floor of the side area. Paving the floor can create as much interest as any of the plants or containers. If you want to add a tinge of green to the floor, pave it partially.

Tame the slope

If you have a sloping side yard, do not grow grass there, since mowing will be quite difficult. Use simple paving options along with some low maintenance plants to enhance its visual appeal. To keep the slope from eroding, spread a good layer of mulch under the plants.

Grow vegetables and herbs

Like your backyard, you can also grow vegetables and herbs in the side yard. However, make sure the area receives ample sunlight, since most of the vegetables and herbs need at least eight hours of direct sunlight.

The Side-Yard Zen Garden

A Zen garden is a piece of heaven on earth that can be used to meditate or simply relax after a hectic day at work. To convert your side yard into a Zen garden, plant black bamboo along the borders and place steel planters filled with asparagus fern in front of them. The bamboos will not only add an East Asian flair to the space, but will also separate your side yard from the neighbor’s house.

When planting bamboo, choose the type carefully. Select the species that clusters instead of the aggressive, running types.

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