Landscape Ideas for Small Gardens

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While the location of your house and its build will be the major determinants when it comes to selling it, the way it looks on the outside will have a major impact on any potential buyers. When a buyer appreciates how well-done your house is on the outside, he/she automatically expects an equally good interior. Hence, if you want to sell your house and get a good deal for it, you should focus as much on landscaping the outsides as you do on cleaning up the interior.

Clean up and any yard waste and clutter

Go outside and look at your house like a stranger would. Since you have been living in it, you automatically ignore issues a neutral observer would notice, not to mention a keen buyer. Clean up the yard, gather all the leaves and any other waste and properly dispose of it. If you have unused tools and old items lying around, you need to pick them up and either put them away in a store or garage or get rid of them.

Reseed any bare spots or thin areas on the lawn

You need to make sure your lawn is properly covered with grass. Bare patches not only take away from the overall appearance of the lawn but also hint towards mismanagement and carelessness on part of the owner. You should get grass seeds that go with your climate and reseed the bare spots and thin areas. Once you seed the lawn, water it properly and keep animals or pets away from the patches where grass needs to grow.

Cut down trees and bushes that get in the way

Trees or bushes getting in the way of your entrance should be cut off. Likewise, any trees that are in poor condition also need to be removed. If the trees are very large, you might need to hire help.

Plant flower borders along walkways and in the front

You can use low flowers to border your walkways and create a warm and welcoming effect. If you have any gardening experience, you can plant the flowers easily on your own.

Install path lights on walkways

Outdoor lighting can greatly enhance the appearance of your lawn or yard. While there are several solutions available at local stores, you should look into environment friendly, solar powered lights for those evening viewings.

Repair any cracks in the driveway and clean up oil spills

Repairing driveway cracks is very important, because they widen and get worse if left untreated. Likewise, oil spills from your car don’t present a very appealing picture. Make sure you clean everything up before showcasing your house.

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