Author Archive
19 Jun 2013
Painting the Exterior of a House
A fresh coat of paint on the exterior walls is the easiest and cheapest way to add a new look to your existing home. Besides giving your home a makeover, the thin layer of resin and pigment
18 Jun 2013
How to Design House Entrance
Setting aside and managing your budget for home decoration is always a tricky task. The lion’s share of the decorating budget usually goes to interior improvements, such as upgrading furniture, changing curtains and buying antique decoration pieces,
18 Jun 2013
How to Design a Laundry Room
A dedicated space for laundry is the requirement of every house. When you don’t have a dedicated room for it, you face lots of problems such as having to dry laundry in the hallways, or hiding the
17 Jun 2013
How to Avoid Real Estate Probate in Canada
Probate is a legal process of transferring the property from a deceased person to his/her heirs. The subject property in a probate is owned by the deceased person or decedent alone and is not explicitly willed to
17 Jun 2013
How to Find a Lien on a Property
In law, a lien is a form of security interest granted over an item of real estate to secure the payment of a debt or performance of some other obligation. The actual owner of the property is
17 Jun 2013
How to Avoid Repossession of your Home
Repossession is a term used to describe a situation in which a financial institution takes back a physical asset, such as real estate, a vehicle or an appliance, that was either used as collateral to get a
17 Jun 2013
How to Appeal Property Taxes
If you believe the property tax imposed on you by the local assessor is not justified, you always have the right to appeal for tax assessment. The procedure outlined below will help you understand the basic steps
17 Jun 2013
How to Get Real Estate Power of Attorney in Canada
A power of attorney is a legal term used to describe a situation in which a person appoints another person, called an “attorney”, to handle his/her business and property matters and to make legal and financial decisions
13 Jun 2013
How to Transfer Deeds of a Property
One of the most common methods of transferring the title of property is to transfer the deeds. The owner of the property can transfer the deeds of a property to another person for a variety of reasons,
13 Jun 2013
How to Become a Property Developer
Property development is the act of buying property, making improvements on it and then selling it for profit. Constructing new buildings for selling also comes under real estate development. If you are planning to start a career
13 Jun 2013
How to Insure Rental Property
Whether you are a first timer, renting out your residential unit or an experienced real estate investor with multiple rental properties, you should protect your property against potential damages by insuring it. Homeowner’s insurance stops offering you
13 Jun 2013
How To Protect Private Property
Protecting a private property seems to be an intimidating task, especially in a situation when you are not living in the home you own. However, there a few simple steps that you can take to protect your
13 Jun 2013
How to Survey Your Own Property
Land survey is usually conducted be professional surveyors, but if you want to save thousands of dollars in the fees of a surveyor, you can do it yourself. Utilize the information given below to survey your own
13 Jun 2013
How to Research Property Ownership
Potential buyers are usually interested in knowing the current and past owners of a property that they are planning to buy. However, they don’t know how to research the property ownership or from where they can get
13 Jun 2013
How to Manage Rental Property
Managing a rental property efficiently helps you develop a good landlord-tenant relationship, which subsequently reduces the tenant turnover rate. If the tenants are satisfied living in your home as well as with your conduct, then they may
13 Jun 2013
How to Design Your Own House Plans
Prospective home owners usually have a picture in mind of what their dream home would look like, and finding that picture in existing homes is almost impossible. One never asks a builder to construct a home that
13 Jun 2013
How to Start Cleaning a Dirty House
Cleaning a messy house seems to be a daunting task, especially when you have things scattered all over. Before you start cleaning your home however, you will have to organize things following the steps mentioned below. Look
13 Jun 2013
How to Sell Real Estate During Probate
Probate is the legal process of transferring the property from a deceased owner or “decedent” to his/her beneficiaries. The subject property in a probate is owned by the decedent alone and is not directly willed to a
13 Jun 2013
How to Estimate House Construction
Contractors discussing home construction costs might baffle a laymen who is planning to build a new home. “Cost per square foot” seems to be a mantra in construction business, but when it comes to actually constructing a
13 Jun 2013
How to Read Construction Drawings
Construction drawings are prepared by qualified architects and are used as an important communication tool between the contractors and the constructors working jointly on a construction project. A construction drawing usually consists of five to six pages