What are the Different Types of Houses

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Man has been building houses since the dawn of time, and the concept of a house has evolved and developed a great deal, having moved far past simple caves and huts. In current times, there are various different types of houses that aspiring tenants and home buyers can choose from. Each has its own pros and cons, and there is no one type that is considered the best – rather, each type has been developed to cater to different needs.


These types of homes usually contain a single dwelling unit. This is the best option for those looking for privacy, as a single family home stands alone on its own lot.

  • Semi-detached: These types of single family houses are joined to another similar home, with which they share a common wall. These are usually less expensive than other types, and do not cost too much to maintain.


These types of houses comprise two single-family homes, with one located directly above the other in a single building. The owners of these types of houses often live in one section, and rent the other unit out.

  • Stacked Townhouse: These are two-storey homes that are stacked on top of each other and generally built in rows of four or more. Each unit can have more than one level, and can be accessed directly from the outside.
  • Link or Carriage Home: A more economical option as compared to single-family detached homes, link or carriage homes are multiple houses that are linked by carports or garages, which also provide access to the front and backyard on the plot. The basement walls of these houses are sometimes joined to create the impression of a single-family house situated on a small lot.
  • Manufactured Home: These are single-family homes that are manufactured in factories, and then transported to a plot where they are set upon a foundation. The term “mobile home” is gradually being replaced by “manufactured home”.
  • Modular Home: This is yet another type of single-family home that is constructed in a factory, as per local building codes. However, this type of home is shifted to the desired location in two or more parts, after which it is assembled and placed on top of the foundation.
  • Row House or Townhouse: This refers to a row of many single-family homes that share common appearances and features, built side-by-side in rows, and separated from each other by common walls. Each unit has its own outdoor space, but the level of privacy is significantly less than that in a single-family detached house. These homes cost usually less, and can be sparse and economical, or large and luxurious. Row houses can be condominiums, freehold, or rental units.
  • Condominium: This is more of a type of ownership as opposed to construction. Generally referred to as condos, condominiums are called “syndicates of co-ownership” in Quebec, and “stratas” in British Columbia. These are versatile, and can be anything, ranging from townhouse complexes and high-rise residential buildings, to individual houses and low-rise residential buildings.
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