How to Read Construction Drawings

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Construction drawings are prepared by qualified architects and are used as an important communication tool between the contractors and the constructors working jointly on a construction project. A construction drawing usually consists of five to six pages which not only describe the project in the form of sketches but also its specifications, placement and dimensions. Various symbols and abbreviation are used to explain the structure of the building as well as the material to be used in the project.

The purpose of this set of drawings prepared by an architect is to provide the builder with detailed instructions for the project. Understanding construction drawings may seem to be an intimidating task to a layman, but knowing how to interpret the plans helps the homeowner understand the building process and get a fair idea of how the finished project would look like.

Read the Cover page

Start by reading the cover page, also called the title page, of the drawing. This page usually contains elevation drawings, showing how the project would look like from the front and back as well as from both sides. Notice the scale used on the drawing. You can find the scale of the drawing near the bottom of the page. The cover page will also contain the legend for the entire blueprint packet, describing the terms and symbols that have been used in the drawings. Individual pages may also contain legends for blueprint symbols and terms used on that particular page. Your architect may also provide you a guide to blueprint symbols used in the drawings. This guide will describe the meanings of the symbols in greater details.

Go through the foundation plan

After thoroughly reading the cover page, go through the foundation plan. The foundation plan shows not only the location of the foundation, but also support walls, piers, areas of excavation and framing of the ground floor.

Look at the floor plans

The floor plans will describe in detail the number of rooms on each floor and number of doors and windows in each room. Floor plan page will also contain plumbing and electrical details.

Examine the cross-section plans

After carefully checking the foundation and floor plans, examine the cross-section plans. This page will specify the dimension of lumber and the type of insulation that the home builder will use in the building. Type of flooring and roofing materials will also be mentioned on this page.

View the interior elevation plan

The page containing interior elevation plan contains the information on the design and layout of walls, windows, doors, cabinets, built-in units (fireplaces and bookcases) and any other special features included in the project.

Review the structural plans

In the end review the structural plan. These plans describe the construction of ceilings, second floor and roof.

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