How To Protect Private Property

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Protecting a private property seems to be an intimidating task, especially in a situation when you are not living in the home you own.  However, there a few simple steps that you can take to protect your property without much hassle.

Put private property signs around the estate

The simplest and the easiest thing you can do to protect your private estate is to put private property signs around the building. Add notes stating that the property is being watched and that a security alarm system is also installed. Even if the alarm system is not installed, the notice will discourage potential intruders.

Establish a high fence around the property

Consider installing a high fence, with a barbed wire at the top, around the perimeter of the private estate, to keep unwanted visitors and stray animals away from the property. Also install a call box at the entrance gate to inform you of anyone’s presence.

Hire a private security company

If a property is not in common use, consider seeking the services of a security alarm company to help secure the building. The alarm system usually covers the doors, windows and attics and alerts you of any suspicious movement inside the building. Whenever an intruder will trigger the alarm, the security company will get an alert and will take appropriate measures. You can also install a WiFi webcam at the front door of your home to monitor who goes in or out of the home.

Purchase theft, fire, flood insurances

Purchase all necessary home owner’s insurances, including theft, fire and flood insurance and keep them up to date to make sure you are paid by the insurance company for any unpleasant incident. Make a list of your inventory, including jewellery, electrical appliances, devices, antiques and paintings etc, and keep it up to date. Include dates when items were purchased, their receipts as well as pictures to make the claim process easy.

You can also purchase a home warranty to cover the replacement of furnaces, air conditioners, hot water heaters and other such appliances.

Rent vigilantly

If you want to rent the property, make sure you properly investigate the prospective tenants before handing them over the keys of the house. Seek a security deposit and sign a lease contract clearly mentioning that deductions will be made from the deposit if the tenant damages the property due to negligence. Consider short-term rentals if you want to have more control over the property.

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