How to Market a Real Estate Company

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Like any other business, a real estate company needs to be marketed cleverly and to full effect in order to draw in the customers so you can start establishing a loyal clientele and earning a name for your company. Marketing requires time, careful attention, and money, and can make the difference between the success and failure of a company.

Define your real estate advertising and marketing goals

Outline the services your business has to offers, and make a list of all of its strengths so you can effectively promote these in the advertisements. Based on the services you offer, outline your target audience, and think hard about where you are hoping to see the company in 5 to 10 years.

Create a brand for your real estate company

This should be a visual, like a logo which can serve as a symbol of your company, and identify you to your target audience. Make sure this is eye-catching, and visually appealing. Do not settle for the first design – tweak it and experiment with it until you are convinced it cannot get any better. Hire a design agency to create the logo if you cannot do it yourself. Once you have the logo, you can establish and promote your brand.

Develop a client-friendly web site that allows for IDX/multi-list feeds that will allow your site to stay current

A lot of the real estate business has moved online, and therefore you need to establish a strong online presence, to make sure you and your services are easily accessible to your clients. Ensure that your website content employs search engine optimization (SEO), for maximum effect.

Specialize in some aspect of real estate

Offering a wide range of services is a good idea, but the key to success is often to fill in a niche, and become the best at it so your company can be established as an undisputed giant in that area. If you choose to focus on one area, make sure you focus your marketing tools on the specialization.

Use social networking tools in your real estate marketing plan

GO out of your way to establish online presence, and find your clients. Social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, or Linked In can be a great way to draw in the customers. You can also use tools like or to update all your accounts at once.

Post testimonials to your web site and/or social networking sites

This is a great way to show customers that your services are tried, tested, and reliable. If you do not have any testimonials, you can always request some from loyal clients.

Learn the value of multimedia tools for real estate marketing

Post home video tours to allow clients to view the listings in greater detail, use webinars in your business, and blog about current real estate issues to successfully market your company.

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