How to Interview for a Construction Job

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Preparing for an interview for a construction job is no different than the interview for any other job. Here are some interview tips which can help you face the interview panel more confidently.

Know your interviewer

If you are scheduled for an interview for a construction job, you should start with researching online and finding the company’s official website. Go through the website to find out as much general information about your interviewer and the organization as possible. Companies are usually interested in knowing how much knowledge you have of their business. Prepare yourself not only to answer the interviewer’s questions but also prepare some questions of your own to ask during the interview.

Dress in business casual clothing

Remember, the first impression counts a lot. Wear business casual clothing on the day of interview. The interview panel will not be expecting you to come in a business suit, but that does not mean you should show up in an offensive t-shirt and torn, bleached jeans. A pair of dress pants and a nice, casual shirt with a necktie should be sufficient.

Speak positively about your previous employer

If you have previously worked with a few construction companies, speak positively about them. Highlighting the negatives of your previous employers may cause the potential employers to think that you might bad mouth his/her company as well.

Turn off all electronic devices that can distract you during the interview

Turn off all electronic devices that can distract you or cause in interruption during the interview. These include cell phones, mobile devices etc. Turning off such devices before entering the room for the interview is proper etiquette that should be followed no matter where you go, and interview for a construction job is not an exception.

Prepare to answer questions about your previous projects

Expect your potential employers to ask you about your previous accomplishments, so be prepared to answer any such questions. For example, the interviewer may ask about your role and contribution to a project you have mentioned in your resume. Make sure you mention only those projects in your resume which you worked on from the very beginning to completion.

Be specific in your answers

During the interview, pay close attention to exactly what the interviewer is asking. If he/she asks you to share your own previous accomplishments, do not start listing the projects in which you were part of a big team. Your interviewer is interested in knowing your personal accomplishments, so tell him/her about the things that you were responsible for.

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