How Can i Find out my Property Line

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When erecting a fence or planting tree on your property it is very important to know just where your property begins from and where it ends. If by mistake you fence lands from someone else’s property, it could land you in jail. You can also lose a portion of your paid property if you make a fence with a portion of your property still outside. Making a claim on this property would probably land you in a long and bitter legal fight with your neighbors. Hence, it is necessary that you find out the property line, which in itself is not so hard.

The first and the most important step is to thoroughly examine the deed to your property. If by some chance you are unable to find the deed, it is then suggested that you find the mortgage loan papers and study them thoroughly. Both the deed and the mortgage loan paper will contain the survey information which will tell you exactly how to find the division lines to your property. This survey is conducted by professionals, so have faith in this.

There is no point in looking at these documents if you do not know what you actually want to find and where, so for your sake we recommend that you locate a paragraph that states, “The property known as…” this is the legal description of the property, however, it may or may not contain the exact names and numbers of the streets. This wording may vary from territory to territory according to the legal requirements.  Also look for the section in the paragraph describing your property. This should be something like: “Starting from the survey post 300 feet SE from the intersection of Main Street” here the directions, the numbers, and the identifying landmarks will directly represent your property. The corners of your property will be physically marked with metal survey posts.

Once you have physically reached your property, it is suggested that you choose a corner and stand there to survey the property for survey posts. If by any chance the survey was performed many years ago, then you might face difficulty in locating these posts, as they are only a foot high from the ground, and with the grass all around, these can become difficult to spot.

After locating the posts, you just need to tie a thread to each and you will see your property line.

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